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Affordable Pest Control Solutions for Residential and Commercial Properties

As a leading pest control company in the region, Eco-Home Solutions, LLC is committed to using the latest and most effective pest control methods and products to ensure the best possible results. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and ability to customize our services to meet your needs. Our residential and commercial pest control services are designed to be effective, safe, and affordable, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.

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General Pest Control

Our general pest control services are essential for creating a safe and healthy environment in your home or business. We specialize in controlling and preventing common pests, including roaches, bugs, wasps, ants, spiders, bees, centipedes, and millipedes.

General Pest Control

  • Eliminating and preventing infestations of common pests that can cause damage to property and pose health risks to humans and pets.
  • Providing quarterly or monthly services to keep pests under control and prevent future infestations.
  • Using effective sprays to target and treat areas where pests typically live, breed, and enter buildings.
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Rodent Control

Our rodent control services are designed to protect your home or business from the damage and health risks associated with mice, rats, and other rodents. We use a variety of methods to control and prevent rodent infestations effectively.

Rodent Control

  • Controlling and eliminating rodents that can cause property damage, spread disease, and create unsanitary living or working conditions.
  • Using rodent baits and exclusion methods prevents rodents from entering buildings and eliminates existing infestations.
  • We’ll put a bait out for rodents to consume and eliminate their population safely and effectively.
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Bed Bug Control

Our bed bug control services ensure a good night’s sleep in your home or business. Bed bugs can quickly become a significant problem, but our thorough cleaning and treatment methods can eliminate them for good.

Bed Bug Control

  • We are eliminating and preventing bed bug infestations, which can cause itching and other skin irritations.
  • We are conducting thorough cleaning procedures, including bagging up clothes and linens and flipping furniture and mattresses.
  • We use liquid insecticide treatment to treat and eliminate bed bugs effectively.
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Termite Control

Our termite control services are essential for protecting your property from the damage caused by these destructive pests. We offer different types of services to control and prevent termite infestations effectively.

Termite Control

  • We eliminate and prevent termite infestations, which can cause severe damage to buildings and other wooden structures.
  • Using a liquid treatment to trench and rot soil and drilling all slabs to target and treat termite infestations.
  • Installing bait stations around the exterior of buildings to prevent termites from entering and infesting structures.
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Beetle Control

Our beetle control services are essential for protecting the structural integrity of your home or business. We specialize in treating and preventing infestations of two common types of beetles in the area.

Beetle Control

  • Eliminating and preventing infestations of woodborer and powderpost beetles can cause significant damage to wooden structures.
  • Treating all exposed wood with a borate product prevents beetles from infesting wooden structures and causing damage.
  • We provide practical and targeted treatment methods to control and prevent beetle infestations.